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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How to Detect Counterfeit Coins Part 3 (numismatic rare coins)

(numismatic rare coins)

Another known type of counterfeit coins is replica coins. Replica simply means that the original coins are copied with the same features and markings. The usual counterfeit coins have differences that are noticeable when examined by coin experts. Some coins have the word “copy” intentionally put on the sides of the coins and these replicas are used for educational purposes and museum displays. 5.
(numismatic rare coins)

A Lebanese connection is said to have a huge production of counterfeit coins. (numismatic rare coins) These coins were found to be used in an attempt to fool many museums, collectors, business leaders and other countries that are searching for their ancient lost coins before the discovery of this syndicate.6. (numismatic rare coins) The collector intended forgery and the circulated intended forgery are types of forgeries where the coins are intended to be tokens yet the face values are accepted, despite of their illegality and irrelevant intrusive values. (numismatic rare coins)

It is important to consult an expert to determine if the coin is counterfeit or fake. An ordinary person can easily detect if the wrong metal was used for the counterfeiting. (numismatic rare coins) If the person is a collector of such items , he should be more aware of these coins. A collector needs to be more concerned with the collectible rare coins because this is where counterfeiters benefit frequently - their aim is to profit from the exclusive market for valuable coins. (numismatic rare coins)

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